Top 20 Alkaline Water Brands: Hydration Excellence Unveiled

What is Alkaline water?

kaline water is water that has a higher pH level than regular tap water. The pH level is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance and is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Water with a pH level above 7 is considered alkaline, while water with a pH below 7 is considered acidic.

Alkaline water typically has a pH level between 8 and 9, although some alkaline waters may claim to have even higher pH levels. The increased alkalinity is often achieved by adding minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate to the water.

Advocates of alkaline water suggest that it may offer health benefits, such as neutralizing acid in the body, promoting better hydration, and preventing certain diseases. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, and the human body is generally effective at maintaining its own internal pH balance.

It’s important to note that while some people choose to consume alkaline water for perceived health benefits, others prefer water with a neutral pH. As with any health-related choice, it’s advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

Top 20 Brands of Alkaline Water

Here are some of the best brands of Alkaline Water

  1. Essentia Water
  2. Smartwater Alkaline
  3. Fiji Water
  4. Evamor Natural Alkaline Artesian Water
  5. Alkaline88
  6. Core Hydration
  7. AQUAhydrate
  8. Evian Natural Spring Water
  9. Real Water
  10. LIFEWTR pH-Balanced Water
  11. Eternal Water
  12. Flow Alkaline Spring Water
  13. Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water
  14. JUST Water
  15. Cure Hydration
  16. Neo Water
  17. Kona Deep
  18. blk. Alkaline Water
  19. Voss Alkaline Artesian Water
  20. Penta Ultra-Purified Water

Difference between normal and Alkaline water

CharacteristicNormal Water (Tap Water)Alkaline Water
pH LevelAround 7 (neutral)Typically 8 to 9 or higher
Acidity/AlkalinityNeutral (neither acidic nor alkaline)Claimed to be alkaline, potentially countering acidity
Mineral ContentVariable, depends on water source and treatmentMay contain added minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium
TasteVaries based on water source and treatmentCan have a slightly different taste due to minerals
Health ClaimsGenerally not associated with specific health benefitsSome believe it may provide health benefits by creating a more alkaline environment in the body, but scientific evidence is limited
RegulationRegulated by local water authoritiesAlkaline water is often a product with added minerals, subject to relevant food and beverage regulations
CostGenerally more affordableAlkaline water may be more expensive, especially if marketed as a specialty product
AvailabilityWidely available through municipal water systemsAvailable in bottled form, specialty stores, or through water ionizer machines

It’s essential to note that while some people choose to consume alkaline water for potential health benefits, the scientific community has varying opinions, and more research is needed to substantiate some of the claimed advantages. As with any health-related decision, it’s recommended to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

Advantages of Alkaline Water

Advocates of alkaline water claim several potential health benefits, although it’s important to note that scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, and the topic is a subject of ongoing research. Some of the purported advantages of alkaline water include:

  1. Neutralizing Acidic pH: Supporters claim that alkaline water can help neutralize excess acidity in the body, creating a more alkaline environment. This is based on the idea that an overly acidic body may contribute to various health issues.
  2. Hydration: Some proponents suggest that alkaline water may be more effective in hydrating the body due to its higher pH and mineral content. However, research supporting this claim is limited.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Alkaline water may have antioxidant potential, attributed to the presence of minerals like magnesium and calcium. Antioxidants are believed to neutralize free radicals, which can be harmful to cells.
  4. Bone Health: The minerals found in alkaline water, such as calcium and magnesium, are essential for bone health. Some believe that consuming alkaline water may contribute to better bone density.
  5. Digestive Health: Advocates claim that alkaline water may help balance the body’s pH levels, potentially improving digestive health and reducing symptoms of acid reflux.
  6. Detoxification: Some people believe that alkaline water can aid in the body’s natural detoxification processes by neutralizing and eliminating toxins.
  7. Improved Energy Levels: Supporters suggest that the alkalizing effects of the water may lead to increased energy levels and reduced fatigue.

It’s crucial to approach these claims with caution and recognize that scientific studies on the health benefits of alkaline water are limited and often inconclusive. Furthermore, the human body has robust mechanisms for maintaining its internal pH balance, and extreme deviations from the normal range can be harmful. Before making significant changes to your water consumption or diet, it’s advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  1. What is alkaline water?
    • Alkaline water is water with a pH level higher than 7. It is often promoted as having potential health benefits due to its alkalinity, achieved by adding minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
  2. How is alkaline water different from regular water?
    • Regular water, such as tap water, typically has a neutral pH around 7. Alkaline water has a higher pH, often ranging from 8 to 9 or higher, and may contain added minerals.
  3. What are the supposed health benefits of alkaline water?
    • Advocates claim various health benefits, including neutralizing acidity, better hydration, antioxidant properties, improved bone health, digestive benefits, and increased energy levels. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.
  4. Is alkaline water safe to drink?
    • Alkaline water is generally considered safe for consumption. However, extreme deviations in pH levels (either too high or too low) can have health implications. It’s crucial to drink water within a safe pH range and to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.
  5. Can I make alkaline water at home?
    • Yes, you can make alkaline water at home by adding ingredients like baking soda or lemon to raise the pH. However, it’s important to be cautious with homemade solutions and to avoid excessive pH levels.
  6. Is alkaline water better for hydration than regular water?
    • The idea that alkaline water is superior for hydration is a subject of debate. While some suggest that its higher pH may enhance hydration, scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited, and regular water is generally effective for hydration.
  7. Are there any side effects of drinking alkaline water?
    • Drinking moderate amounts of alkaline water is generally safe for most people. However, excessive consumption of highly alkaline water can lead to alkalosis, a condition characterized by too much alkalinity in the body.
  8. Can alkaline water treat or prevent diseases?
    • The health claims associated with alkaline water, such as preventing diseases, should be approached with caution. Scientific evidence supporting these claims is often inconclusive, and it’s important to rely on established medical practices for disease prevention and treatment.
  9. Is alkaline water regulated?
    • The regulation of alkaline water can vary by region. In some places, it may be regulated as a food or beverage product. It’s essential to choose reputable brands and products that adhere to relevant food and beverage regulations.
  10. Should I consult with a healthcare professional before drinking alkaline water?
  • Yes, it’s advisable to consult with healthcare professionals, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns. They can provide personalized advice based on your health status and dietary needs.